Terms & Conditions

Please read these before enrolling your child

Terms & conditions must be accepted by all students and parents/guardians. By signing the registration form and enrolling your child/yourself in our classes you are agreeing to the terms below.

These terms & conditions are on behalf of Debut Dance Company.

Section 1 – Registration& Fee Payment

  1. A registration form must be completed for all students upon joining Debut Dance Company. A student will not be permitted to take a class unless the Registration Form has been completed. 
  2. Fees are payable in full at the beginning of each month to reserve your place in the class. 
  3. If fees are not paid by the end of week 2 of the month a 10% surcharge will be added (per month outstanding).
  4. Fees paid in cash must be received in a sealed envelope with student's name, classes they are attending and amount enclosed clearly written on the front. Please ensure you provide the correct amount of money.
  5. If paying by cheque please make payable to Cheryl McNeill and clearly write the students name on the back of the cheque.
  6. A new student may take a trial class for a one off payment. Should the student then decide to join the class, they must pay the remaining balance for the month.
  7. There are no refunds if a student is absent from a class.
  8. If the regular teacher is unable to teach a class we will do our best to provide a substitute teacher. If it is not possible to find a substitute, the class will have to be cancelled and you will be informed by email and social media. In this case fees will be subtracted from the forthcoming month fees. 
  9. All fees paid are non-refundable (excluding point 8 above)

Section 2 - Class Timing

  1. Classes are timetabled at a nominal 30, 45 minute or 1 hour duration. This includes a short period of time at the start and end of each class for registration and class changeover management. 
  2. Some classes run back to back on the timetable without a break. Students should be dressed ready to start their class before entering the studio and leave promptly at the end. 
  3. Parents and Students are asked to wait quietly outside the studio/premises until they are invited in by the class teacher.

Section 3 - Class Conduct

  1. Parents are not permitted to watch classes except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the class teacher. Such circumstances should be discussed with the class teacher prior to the class. 
  2. Students are expected to demonstrate respectful behaviour towards their teacher and fellow students.
  3. Students are not permitted to bring messy food into the dance studio or chew gum whilst in class. A bottle of water/juice and clean snacks are allowed. 
  4. Students are responsible for their own property and bring items at their own risk.
  5. Students are not permitted to leave the studio during a class without permission from the class teacher.
  6. Students are expected to wear suitable clothing to class

Section 4 - Responsibilities

  1. Parents/Guardians must remain reachable at all times whilst their child is taking a class. This includes making sure your contact details are up to date.
  2. If your child needs assistance, becomes unwell or has an accident while on the premises and during classes there must be an adult accessible at all times. 
  3. The only exception to the above 2 points is for students 8 years of age or above. If as the Parent/Guardian you make the decision that your child is responsible for their own safety and wellbeing including arriving at, and leaving the classes and premises unaccompanied, written authorisation must be provided to Cheryl or the class teacher. Debut Dance Company cannot take responsibility for any child outside of the studio.
  4. The dance teacher cannot take responsibility for assisting children when visiting the bathroom, over the age of 5.
  5. It is the Parents/Guardians responsibility to inform Debut Staff of any changes regarding the students medical conditions or emergency contact details. In this case please complete a new registration form or update your details. 

Section 5 - Miscellaneous

  1. The school timetable may be revised at any time.
  2. A certain amount of risk is involved by taking part in any physical activity. Students taking part in any classes or events run by Debut Dance Company do so at their own risk.
  3. Photographs and videos of students may be taken and used for promotion and on social media by Debut Dance Company, this includes closed groups on Facebook to help home rehearsals. If you do not give permission for your child's photo to be taken please email. 

Section 6 - Further Information

  1. Dance lessons will be delivered in mixed ability groups.
  2. For all other matters including lesson times and uniforms please email debutdanceco@gmail.com.

Section 7 – CV19 Protocols

1.      We have a duty of care to make all dancers aware of positive cases of close contacts and will do so at the earliest convenience

2.  We follow all PHA guidelines and require all of our dancers to do so too

3.      If a PCR is recommended and we have advised a dancer to have a test we will not permit entry to dance class until a negative result has been communicated

4.      These measures have been added to keep our dance family safe, please be mindful of others and their needs and be safe whenever you can to protect us all